Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday's Washroom

Sigh... What a beautiful bathtub.  This is a sanctuary.  Tranquility and beauty.  I want to be sucked into this photo so I can touch everything.  Lovely!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday's Powder Room

Bright red screens, plants, sunken tub?  Sweet!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday's Bathroom

The windows.  The wood.  The fresh water and lily pads?  Rustic, natural and soothing.  I wonder if this bathroom belongs to a Seattleite?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bathrooms: A Mother's Sanctuary

My husband and I are in the process of buying our first house... it's been a TOTAL ordeal.  In fact, don't ask me any questions, I don't want to jinx anything.  But I WILL tell you that nothing we looked at had a beautiful bathroom already existing.  Another thing I will tell you... I love bathrooms.  A mother's sanctuary, really.  I like them steamy, candlelit and full of delightful smelling oils, soaps and bubbles.  This is my IDEAL.  This is not how I live.  My bathroom experience is a quick shower, a shave.... ha!  You don't want to hear about all that. 

So, in honor of bathrooms and quiet moments alone... This is DAY ONE of Boho Martha's Bathroom Week.


About Me

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I recently moved from Tucson to Seattle and am trying to juggle raising children, mastering domesticity, and finding time for my creativity.