Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the museum experience

I took the kids to Bellevue Art Museum yesterday.  And we had a blast!

I feel a lot of different emotions when I visit an art museum but the resounding one is LUCK or GOOD FORTUNE for being able to experience art at that moment... when most people are driving, texting, tapping away mindlessly at a boring job.  What a privilege it is to peek into an artist's world and see, or better yet, EXPERIENCE a time-consuming, detailed (maybe therapeutic?) piece.

This is Chris Antemann's work.  The piece below was my favorite, Feast of Impropriety,... super lustful and gluttonous... but still sort of playful and light-hearted.  Loved it!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

what to wear, what to wear...

Hmmm, oh, I know!!!!  My Barbie shoe necklace!
  I don't know where I found this picture.  But it's WONDERFUL!  Please make one for me, too.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Collecting Resolutions

I have a gut feeling this will be the year of BIG things in my life.  *MY* year, if you will.  See, I love ELEVENS.  It's kinda MY number.  So, with that in mind I am consciously collecting my dreams, resolutions, and prayers for 2011 and throwing them all together to make this best year of my life yet.

What are your resolutions for the new year?


About Me

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I recently moved from Tucson to Seattle and am trying to juggle raising children, mastering domesticity, and finding time for my creativity.