Monday, January 3, 2011

Bathrooms: A Mother's Sanctuary

My husband and I are in the process of buying our first house... it's been a TOTAL ordeal.  In fact, don't ask me any questions, I don't want to jinx anything.  But I WILL tell you that nothing we looked at had a beautiful bathroom already existing.  Another thing I will tell you... I love bathrooms.  A mother's sanctuary, really.  I like them steamy, candlelit and full of delightful smelling oils, soaps and bubbles.  This is my IDEAL.  This is not how I live.  My bathroom experience is a quick shower, a shave.... ha!  You don't want to hear about all that. 

So, in honor of bathrooms and quiet moments alone... This is DAY ONE of Boho Martha's Bathroom Week.

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About Me

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I recently moved from Tucson to Seattle and am trying to juggle raising children, mastering domesticity, and finding time for my creativity.