Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I was hoarding Larry's t-shirts.  And I hate hoarding.  He was never going to wear these t-shirts again.  They were nasty, old, pit-stained and just icky.  But they reminded me of the beginning of our relationship and the wild ride that has become our life together.  So, instead of forcing myself to part with these sentimental stink rags... I made them into something useful:  a duvet cover! 

I made one with old fleece baby blankets, too.  It's my quilting style... totally renegade. 

Want one?  I'll make one for you out of old baby clothes, blankets, whatever... commission me.  I'm up for it.

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About Me

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I recently moved from Tucson to Seattle and am trying to juggle raising children, mastering domesticity, and finding time for my creativity.