Sunday, January 17, 2010

101 posts

I forgot to celebrate my 100th post.  Darn it.  Well, I kind of feel I am back where I was when I first started my blog.  We're on the move again.  Our lease is up.  We could buy the townhouse we are living in for a decent price and continue living in this un-savory neighborhood or we could move a few streets away and rent a house and have Henry got to a better school.  Or we could move to Bellevue, live in an old apartment and send Henry to a school in a great school district.  So many things to think about.  We are feeling so much pressure right now.  I like West Seattle.  I know my way around.  It's pretty.  There's lots to do.  I have met lots of nice people.  Argh.  I am curling up with another episode of Big Love Season 3.  Don't bother me. 

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About Me

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I recently moved from Tucson to Seattle and am trying to juggle raising children, mastering domesticity, and finding time for my creativity.