Tuesday, June 9, 2009

another weekend gone

My children are growing so fast. Why does life have to be so short? My children have helped me to grasp time a little better... because I can see them change in a month. And a month seems like a breath in my life. So quick. Just a flash of a memory.

Does anyone know how to bottle the delicious smell of my children's hair when they come home from being at the beach?


Erin Bradley said...

ahh.... these pictures make me happy. so sweet! yep, your kids look totally different since they left. i wish i was you next door neighbor.

Bobbypin Bandit said...

You all look like a catalog family. I find that memory is the best way to "bottle" those scents. I have the scent of the school cafeteria and my grandma's wood burning stove bottled up as such. I wish we had spent more time together, but alas, we have the present and future....


About Me

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I recently moved from Tucson to Seattle and am trying to juggle raising children, mastering domesticity, and finding time for my creativity.