Monday, March 16, 2009

We're here!

And getting adjusted nicely to our new home and environment. I am loving the weather! It has been rainy and snowy (it is uncommon for it to snow here)... but the change is good for me! Larry is loving his new job and I am trying to perfect my routine. We are living in a new townhouse in a very diverse area... can you say gentrification? But it has a similar vibe from where we came from in Tucson. Although I feel like that asshole in the nice house. The neighborhood main strip has some cool dive bars. We went out for some beers when we first got here and checked all of them out. I think my favorite was Triangle Pub. I dunno, though... that was after a few (much deserved) drinks. There are places to get fried chicken, pho, burritos, tapas... we had a delicious El Salvadorean brunch yesterday and took home some dulce de leche cake and an empanada to enjoy last night. We took the city bus downtown on Saturday to check out the Space Needle ($16 for each of us!) but Henry's been chomping at the bit to see it up close since we got here.

As far as Chintzy Couture goes... I have done a few things since I got here to satisfy my creative urges. Check them out!

Some kind of blue stone bead with garnet.

Cloisonne bead with garnets.

Tie backs for my cheap curtains.

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About Me

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I recently moved from Tucson to Seattle and am trying to juggle raising children, mastering domesticity, and finding time for my creativity.